October TASK: Life After Breach: Ashley Madison in 2017 / Beyond OWASP Top 10

Wednesday 25-October-2017 // 6:00 - 9:00 PMMeeting Location: 55 John Street, TorontoRoom: #308/309 (up the escalators)

October TASK

This month Matthew Maglieri talks life after the Ashley Madison breach and Aaron Hnatiw discussing common web application vulnerabilities that fall outside the OWASP Top 10 but are just as dangerous.As always, TASK is free, registration is not required to attend, and we invite you to bring your friends and colleagues.Any questions email info@task.to. We look forward to seeing you there!

Matthew Maglieri, CISO at Ruby Life Inc.Life After Breach: Ashley Madison in 2017What does it really mean to fall victim to a headline-grabbing breach? What does the aftermath of a targeted attack look like? How can you overcome the challenges needed to recover and rebuild trust with your customers?Join Matthew Maglieri, CISO of Ashley Madison’s parent company Ruby Life Inc. and ex-Mandiant consultant, as he presents this unique look on what is really required to defend against an advanced targeted attack and recover from the scenario that keeps us all up at night.
Aaron Hnatiw, Senior Security Researcher at Security CompassBeyond OWASP Top 10The OWASP Top 10 is the standard first reference we give web developers who are interested in making their applications more secure. It is also the categorization scheme we give to web vulnerabilities on our security assessment reports. And finally, and perhaps most frighteningly, it is the most common framework used by organizations for securing their web applications. But what if there was more to web application security than the OWASP Top 10? In this talk, we will discuss vulnerabilities that don't fit into the OWASP Top 10 categories, but are just as dangerous if present in a web application. Developers and pentesters will benefit from this talk, as both exploits and mitigations will be covered for each of the vulnerabilities.Meeting Location: 55 john Street, Toronto. Room: #308/309 (just up the escalators)

No November TASK


September TASK: Growing Up and Out of the Sandbox: Examining information security beyond the micro-technical lens / Building machine-learning pipelines at scale